Put on your red shoes
and dance the blues
Style, your perspective, point of view, and essence.
Style, the way you move through the world,
Connect to Style, your center.
Here, you are impossible to topple,
They can never tell you who you are.
You have Ownlife.
What a thing to define.
Style, create a richer, safer, more loving and generous place.
From this day until the last,
Style is the goddess listening and us listening back.
Jordan Muzquiz
Soulstyle therapist trainee and recovering creative
Supervised by Dr. Kellen Grayson,
License Numner, 1912119934
I help people connect with and create their Style.
My Method
Style is the end goal. To get there, we conspire with the following framework: 1) Remember, 2) Recover, 3) Reclaim, and 4) Resolve. These four phases provide a common language and path to track progress. These steps are not The Truth, rather one possible guide to maintain momentum and accountability.
The Persistence of Memory - Salvador Dali
I. Remember
Do you feel unsettled?
Do you have an ache in your gut telling you that you are not not on path?
Do you have a longing for something more, but you can’t quite figure out what it is?
Do you have a creeping suspicion that your habits of drinking and eating too much, compulsively scrolling, and starting fights with loved ones stem from unfinished business?
Do you feel irritable for reasons you can’t quite explain?
Do you feel a sense of regret for a life that could have been?
Do you worry that it is too late for you?
It is not too late. But you will have too remember who you are.
II. Recover
The good news — it is still there. You never truly left it and it never left you.
You may have tucked it away for safekeeping. You may have suppressed it because you believed them, the voices that said this gift wasn’t for you.
You will need to dust off the cobwebs and build a sense of trust with what you have recovered.
You can recover what already belongs to you.
Digging Deeper - Dorieke Schreurs
Ballerina - Lenora Carrington, 1954
III. Reclaim
Reclamation is when you enter the belly of the beast, when you encounter the dragon and claim what is your birthright. This is when you say out loud that you are a writer, an entrepreneur, a builder, a mother, a father, an artist.
You will encounter voices roaring that you are a fraud, out of your mind, entitled to dare to want such things from life.
These voices are trying to maintain the status quo. In a way they are trying to protect you but above all, they are afraid. We can acknowledge their fears, but if we need to, we’ll go to battle.
With work and increased skill, we can learn to love and dance with them. We can develop a relationship with our daimon, our dragon, our critic, the part that wants it all, that is never satisfied, that simultaneously will stop at nothing to get what it wants and will destroy anything that isn’t a perfect iteration of it.
As Jungian analyst Robert Moore says, we must remind the dragon that we are human.
In doing so, we reclaim our souls.
IV. Resolve
This is the phase of integratration, implementation, and resolution to show up. If you want Source, the gods, the music to show up for you, you have to show up too.
Here we work together to establish the habits, systems, structures, rituals that will help to keep you on path. You resolve to make good on your promise to deliver your work to the world.
You say to yourself —
I resolve to show up for myself and Source.
I resolve to create and adhere to the ritual.
I resolve to make this gift a priority.
I resolve to reclaim who I am, why I am here, and what I am meant to do.
“The goddess doesn’t just want to know where we are. She wants to know what time we start and at what hour we finish. How can she come to our aid if she doesn’t know where and when to find us?”
-Steven Pressfield, Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be
La Llamada (The Call) - Remedios Varo, 1961
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